Friday, September 4, 2009

Spartans to Wear State of Michigan Helmet Decal

Michigan State football players will wear a decal of a silver outline of the state of Michigan on the backs of their helmets as a show for the down economy and struggling auto industry.

MSU coach Mark Dantonio came up with the idea, and athletic director Mark Hollis made the "Silver Lining" campaign a reality.

The state symbol is a take-off on the round "ANF" -- American Needs Farmers -- stickers affixed to Iowa's helmets in the 1980s as a show of support for that state's beleaguered agriculture industry.

"Given the challenging economic conditions that we face in the state of Michigan, we wanted to show support for the residents and businesses in our home state and encourage everyone to unite for our common good," Dantonio said in a statement issued by MSU.

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